Friday, April 3, 2020

Friday, April 3

Friday, April 3 Agenda

Endling: Chapter 4
Math: Finish up anything you haven't done yet; Math Challenge
Energy Diet: By today we hope you are able to share one challenge you have been working on
Survey: How do you feel?

Google Meet: please log into Google Classroom for this information
We will meet at 1pm if you are interested. This is an optional meet if you have questions or just need a check in. Remember Ms. Jenn or Ms. Tanya need to be in the meeting before you are able to join. If we aren't there, it will tell you the meeting doesn't exist. Just try again in a few minutes.

Math Help Meetings (April 2)
If you missed the meetings for math help because you couldn't attend or you want to watch because you are still stuck, they will be posted under the math assignment they are connected to. More specific information on where you will be able to find them will be shared after they are posted.

This is the extension for google meet grid (works with Google Chrome)

Don't forget to share who you'd like to be in a group with by emailing both of us ( and - 5 people per group including yourself.

Please let us know what is working on your end and what isn't. We are still learning as are you. We want your feedback so we can do a better job of supporting you and your family. This should not cause anyone stress.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Thursday, April 2

Happy Thursday! Today we are going to meet at 9am and/or 1pm. We are going to do it differently from Tuesday. We are going to use the class code that you can find in Google Classroom. You can find google meet through the app icon at the top of the page or you can type, in the address line of your browser. We are looking forward to seeing you today.

Thursday, April 2 Agenda

Endling: Chapter 3
Math: gr4 - Fraction Follow Along | gr5 - Equivalent Fractions
ELA: Energy Challenge (Finish up one of the challenges and submit.)
Google Meet: 9am or 1pm (Go to Google Classroom for the code for our Google Meet)

Wednesday April 1

Wednesday, April 1st Agenda

Good Morning friends!

Endling Chapter 2
Energy Diet Challenge (continue working on one of the challenges of your choice)
Math Ordering Fractions (watch video first, then try the questions)

Email if you would like any help. We are working on creating hints to help you if you are stuck on any of the fraction questions.