Friday, December 20, 2019

January 6 - 10

Monday, January 6
PD Day for teachers
No School for students

Tuesday, January 7

What would your story be? Create a comic to share your story. Include: an introduction, a problem, action 1, outcome of action 1, action 2, outcome of action 2, action 3, outcome of action 3, and a solution. Remember to think about the mood structure to make sure your character has feelings. We can't wait to read your story!
How many can you figure out? Which one was the most challenging? Which was the easiest?

Music - Ms. Jenn
Mystery Word - Ms. Tanya

Novel Study

Beakerhead Design Challenge

Wednesday, January 8
Plank Challenge
We are practicing planks and challenging ourselves to hold a plank using proper form for as long as possible; our starting point is to hold a proper plank for 20 seconds. Why? Did you know planks improve our core strength and our shoulder girdle? Did you know that if our shoulder girdle is strong that it increases our writing stamina and our neatness when writing? Other activities that can be practiced along with the plank at home are mountain climbers (using proper form) and rock climbing or bouldering. Check out the video below for proper plank technique.

Write (continued from Tuesday)
- using the area model to multiply (grade 4: 3-digit by 1-digit, grade 5: 2-digit by 2-digit)
- to practice the area model

January Calendar
Keystone Species visual journal page
Novel Study project

Thursday, January 9

Music - Ms. Jenn
Music - Ms. Tanya

Friday, January 10
Report Cards go home

Monday, December 16, 2019

December 16 - 20

Monday, December 16
Math: Optical Art
Look at these 3 examples, do you see anything about the patterns that cause them to create an optical illusion? Look at the shapes. Look at the lines.

Use a 100 grid and create your own optical art.

Partner Write (due by Thursday)

Music (Ms. Tanya)
Novel Study
Being Caribou: Is the caribou a keystone species? How do you know?

Tuesday, December 17
Music (Ms. Jenn)
Lacrosse (Ms. Tanya)

Wednesday, December 18
Lacrosse (Ms. Jenn)
Keystone Visual Journal Page
Math: input/output machine - What is the pattern? What is the rule?
Novel Study
Mystery Word - A I O G H L M R T

  • is PJ day and special treat day for those who have ordered Kernel popcorn, if you didn't order popcorn send a special snack with your child/ren.

  • is AM Kindergarten (NO PM Kindergarten) and please remember that the finish time is 11:45am.

  • is early dismissal for our Grade 1-6 students, finish time is 11:45am

  • please drop by and check our tables full of lost/found property, any items not claimed by the end of the day tomorrow will be donated to a local charity.

Thursday, December 19
11:45am dismissal
Healthy Hunger Special Snack
Carolling AM

Thank you for all the lovely gifts and wishes. We both wish everyone a fabulous winter break. Enjoy spending time with your families and play lots with friends. We will see everyone on Tuesday, January 7. 

We dropped off the cookies and cards at the Alex. Judy, from the Alex, was very excited. She thanked us for our donation. They plan to put the cards in their, "take what you need" basket. This basket is typically filled with uplifting messages for clients to make their day just a little bit better. Thank you to all the students in rooms 52 and 53 for you baking :)

Friday, December 20
No School for Students
PD Day

Looking Ahead
Monday, January 6 PD Day - No School for students
Tuesday, January 7 Students Return to School
Friday, January 10 Report Cards Go Home

Friday, December 6, 2019

December 9 - 13

Canadian Reader

We recently shared our Canadian Reader articles with all students, in our rooms, in their Google Drive.  Students can access this material by logging in with their email and password.  These articles are written for Grades 3 and up.

BWS Supports Canadian Mental Health Association
Bridlewood School will be collecting items for those who are in need to get through the cold winter. This initiative is in support of the Canadian Mental Health Association’s (CHMA) work to help people in the Calgary community.

We will be starting our collection of donations at Bridlewood School starting December 5th at Parent- teacher interviews and will collect items until Dec. 19th.

Items we will be collecting include:
Toiletries: Soap, shampoo, conditioner, other bath items, toothbrushes, toothpaste, dental floss, feminine hygiene products, shaving cream and razors, manicure and pedicure nail sets, Chapstick, comb, hairbrush, Kleenex, deodorant and hair elastics

Clothing (All sizes men and women. Items do not have to be new, but in good to excellent and clean condition). Winter jackets, winter boots, snow pants, scarves, winter hats, mittens, gloves, thermal socks (must be new), thermal underwear, underwear (must be new), sweatpants, sweatshirts, plain t-shirts, jeans and wallets

Your generous donation will assist CMHA Calgary is supporting others through shared understanding, hope and increase community resiliency. Thank you!

Monday, December 9
Math - planning for cookie baking; What ingredients do we need? How much of each ingredient do we need? If we went to the store to buy the ingredients, how much would it cost?
Music (Ms. Tanya)
Word Sort (Ms. Jenn) - ed endings
Weather and Climate research; what does your weather station look like?
Canadian Reader: Disappearing Birds

Please bring your cooking supplies/ingredients in today so we know what we still need to buy.
If you'd like to volunteer with us on Tuesday and help us make cookies, please email Ms. Tanya and Ms. Jenn to let us know.

Cookies and Math
Students were busy today. They needed to figure out how much would one batch of cookies cost, and how much 12 batches of cookies would cost. In order to be successful, students needed to understand how many 1/4 are in a whole, how many 1/2 are in a whole, how many 1/3 are in a whole, and how many 1/4 are in a 1/2. We used fraction bars to help us make these comparisons.

Next, students had to understand the different denominations of coins and compare cents to dollars. We reviewed the following information:

penny = 1¢ = $0.01
nickel = 5¢ = $0.05
dime = 10¢ = $0.10
quarter = 25¢ = $0.25
loonie = 100¢ = $1.00

With all of this information we determined the cost of one batch of cookies to be $3.81 for ingredients. Can you prove that $3.81 is true?

How much would 12 batches of cookies cost?

If one batch makes 35 cookies, how many cookies will we make in 12 batches?

How much does it cost for each cookie?

Tuesday, December 10
Healthy Hunger Lunch (Little Caesar’s pizza)
Baking cookies for the Alex
Making cards for the Alex
Music (Ms. Jenn)
Word Sort (Ms. Tanya)

Wednesday, December 11
Finish Canadian Reader: Disappearing Birds
Writing using a story prompt
Learning Commons

Thursday, December 12

Friday, December 13

Cookies for The Alex

Thumbprint Cookies

We have been using the 25 Days of Friendship to learn about the joy in giving to others without the expectation to receive. Every year, we try to reach out to the community to say something and show we at Bridlewood School care. 

This year, we have decided to bake thumbprint cookies and draw/write cards for the youth at the Alex. We plan to make the cookies and bake on Tuesday, December 10th. 

If you'd like to donate cooking supplies or ingredients for our kindness cookies, please email Ms. Jenn at and Ms. Tanya at to let us know what you'd like to donate or let us use.  

If you'd like to come and help us on Tuesday with our baking, please email us. Your police clearance needs to be up to date for you to support us.

Our list:

Baking Supplies
Flour (25 cups)
Cookie sheets (12)
Sugar  (8 cups) - Sage (4cups)
Cookie racks
Baking Powder (10 tsps)
Mixing bowls (12)
Butter (5 lbs)
Mixing spoons (12) - Sage (2)
Salt (10 tsps)
Cookie scoops/Ice-cream scoops
1 dozen eggs - Vina
Vanilla (20 tsps)
Raspberry Jam (6 cups) - Sage

There was so much math to bake cookies. We learned about fractions and decimals to figure out what the cost per ingredient would be and then the cost per batch of cookies. See our thinking here...

We had so much fun baking - classroom chemistry. It was lots of work. We learned how to cream butter and sugar - stirring was hard work. It required a lot of elbow grease to make the butter and sugar fluffy. We also learned how to incorporate dry ingredients into wet ingredients so we didn't make a huge mess. We used our hands to create a big dough ball. Then we had to make little dough balls for each cookie, making sure we had equal size balls so our cookies would cook evenly. Finally, we made heart thumbprints into our dough before filling with jam and baking them. It took as all day! We didn't count our cookies, so we have no idea exactly how many we made. But they smelled delicious and looked good. We are excited to give them away. There is joy in being the giver.