Friday, December 20, 2019

January 6 - 10

Monday, January 6
PD Day for teachers
No School for students

Tuesday, January 7

What would your story be? Create a comic to share your story. Include: an introduction, a problem, action 1, outcome of action 1, action 2, outcome of action 2, action 3, outcome of action 3, and a solution. Remember to think about the mood structure to make sure your character has feelings. We can't wait to read your story!
How many can you figure out? Which one was the most challenging? Which was the easiest?

Music - Ms. Jenn
Mystery Word - Ms. Tanya

Novel Study

Beakerhead Design Challenge

Wednesday, January 8
Plank Challenge
We are practicing planks and challenging ourselves to hold a plank using proper form for as long as possible; our starting point is to hold a proper plank for 20 seconds. Why? Did you know planks improve our core strength and our shoulder girdle? Did you know that if our shoulder girdle is strong that it increases our writing stamina and our neatness when writing? Other activities that can be practiced along with the plank at home are mountain climbers (using proper form) and rock climbing or bouldering. Check out the video below for proper plank technique.

Write (continued from Tuesday)
- using the area model to multiply (grade 4: 3-digit by 1-digit, grade 5: 2-digit by 2-digit)
- to practice the area model

January Calendar
Keystone Species visual journal page
Novel Study project

Thursday, January 9

Music - Ms. Jenn
Music - Ms. Tanya

Friday, January 10
Report Cards go home