Monday, November 25, 2019

November 25 - 29

Monday, November 25
Museum Field Trip (in class)
Math check in (adding, subtracting, division)
Music - Ms. Tanya
Adding -ing to VCe and VVC words (what is the pattern?)
Research - What do we measure to track weather? Why do we track weather?

Tuesday, November 26
Music - Ms. Jenn
Math - solving equations with missing information (practice
Read - partner reading
Weather research continued
Dot Art

Wednesday, November 27

Thursday, November 28
Algebraic Thinking
Music - Ms. Jenn
Music - Ms. Tanya

Friday, November 29
Conferences are open for booking at 6pm. Use MyCBE/PowerSchool to access the online booking system.

Upcoming Events
Until December 16 - Mayor's Annual Foodbank Drive boxes will be at the front entrance of the school. If you have a non-perishable food item you'd like to donate, please send with your child.

December 5 4-7:30pm Parent-Teacher Conferences
December 6 8-11:30am Parent-Teacher Conferences

What does an equal sign really mean?

Can 42 = 6 x 7?
Can 6 x 7 = 31 + 11?
What about 20 - 5 = 10 + 3?

How many ways can you write this expression:

Keystone Species Using the Access Lenses

 The Access Lenses are a tool we can use to understand media from art to books to non-fiction articles even videos.  They help us make connections and develop an understanding of what we have read.  We used them to begin to look at Keystone Species- starting with The Smartest Thin in Fur Pants.

To the left are the Access Lenses we used to look at this video.  We noticed a lot of colours and we're developing skill in what these lenses look like when applying to different media.

Dot Art- Canadian Symbols


Come see our Eco-Categories.   With our table groups we viewed, identified similarities and differences, determined categories and then sorted pictures in to the categories.