Friday, November 1, 2019

November 4 - 8

Monday, November 4
The Access Lenses
for Comprehension of texts and media

Retake Day
Creating an Avatar/November Calendar
The Art of Comprehension: What is the mood? How do you know the mood? What's causing the mood?
Haikus for Remembrance Day
Code a Person
Math - looking at weather data

Tuesday, November 5
Math - subtraction practice
Visual Journal clean up/catch up
Code a Person
Ecosystem - Is Bridlewood Pond healthy? How do we know?
Era Writing
The Dot by Peter Reynolds
What is the mood?
Hod you know the mood?
What's causing the mood?

Wednesday, November 6
Math: Breakfast Problem
Health: Circle of Control

Thursday, November 7
Ecosystems: Why did you put your avatar where you did?
Math: Problem
Map of Canada
Era Writing
Dress Rehearsal for Remembrance Day

Friday, November 8
Remembrance Day Assembly
Math: Division Practice

Upcoming Events
Monday, Nov. 11- Remembrance Day (no school)
Wednesday, Nov 20 - Inside Education Electricity Workshop
Friday, Nov 22 - PD day (no school)
Friday, Nov 29 - Polar Expressions Poetry Contest Deadline