Monday, January 13, 2020

January 13 - 17

Did you know you can access Tumblebooks at home from the Calgary Public Library? Here is the link...

Focusing on Comprehension:
"Students don't automatically comprehend just because they can read the words."
- opportunities to practice reading and viewing (more is better)
- reread
- annotate or create thinking notes (highlight, jot notes, comments, or questions in the margins)
- survey (read ahead or skim)
- connect (text-to-text, text-to-self, text-to-world)
- monitor (Does this make sense? Does this sound like language? Do I know what is happening in the text?)
- talk to yourself (I wonder why he's doing that? Okay, I get that now. I've seen that word before. This doesn't make any sense. I better reread this part.)
- retell, summarize, or paraphrase

Don't forget to dress for the weather! Winter coats, snow pants, winter boots, mittens, toques are all super important to keep us warm and safe when traveling to and from school. We are staying inside for recess this week as the weather is too cold.

Monday, January 13
Work on comic strip writing
Grade 5 Constable Gemma to talk about Digital Citizenship
Grade 4 Math - multiplication (2-digit by 1-digit and 3-digit by 1-digit)
Ms. Tanya Music
Ms. Jenn - guided practice, "Thinking Notes"
Work on Novel Study comprehension
Ingenuity Challenge - Empathy

Constable Gemma shared lots of important information about being safe online. The most important question we should ask ourselves every time we are online is, "Would I do this in real life?" to help us guide our actions.

A quick video from Dr. Brene Brown to help describe empathy:

Tuesday, January 14
Finish up comic writing
Grade 4 Constable Gemma to talk about Digital Citizenship
Grade 5 Math - multiplication (3-digit by 1-digit and 2-digit by 2-digit)
Ms. Jenn Music
Ms. Tanya - guided practice, "Thinking Notes"
Canadian Reader - finish up
Ingenuity Challenge: Empathy - Who is your end user? The resources? The people? -> Ideation

BWS Yearbooks
Bridlewood School is very fortunate this year as one of our parents, who is a photographer and graphic artist/web designer,
has generously volunteered her talent and time to create our yearbook. So many thanks to Melinda Gombert for this.
Melinda has just finished designing the cover for the yearbook. 

If you haven’t purchased a yearbook yet and would like to do so, you can do through accessing your fees online
(MyCBE/PowerSchool account).  You will need to go to the Goods/Services tab to locate the optional fees,
double click the yearbook line, the fee will then attach to your account, or return this invoice indicating
that you wish to purchase the year book and the fee will be added to your account from the school office.
Deadline for purchase is February 28, 2020.

Wednesday, January 15
Math: Perimeter and Area
Chasing Snowflakes

Thursday, January 16
Chasing Snowflakes
Ms. Jenn Music | Ms. Tanya Our 7 Teachings (social studies/health)
Ms. Tanya Music | Ms. Jenn Our 7 Teachings (social studies/health)
Science - building a thermometer
Ingenuity Challenge

Our 7 Teachings

Ms. Jasmine demonstrated how to build a simple thermometer. We will be building our own next week. We are using a plastic bottle (please bring one if you have one), a straw, water, food colouring, and modeling clay.

Some questions we thought about after Ms. Jasmine's demonstration:
1. How effective was the thermometer?
2. How reliable would our homemade thermometer be?
3. How easy was our homemade thermometer to construct?
4. Are there any safety risks with our homemade thermometer?
5. What materials will be used? Can it be cheaply made? Does it use recycled materials?

Today we ideated to come up with ideas for the ingenuity challenge. Our problem is how to move people and resources without fuel. You can see the materials we have access to for our designs as well as some of our ideas that we are thinking about. We can't wait to get started with our building.

Friday, January 17
Mr. Ryan and Miss. Annisha will be our teachers for the morning.
Commonplace Book (don't forget to bring yours back so you can write in it again!)
Sharing of Novel Study project

Students demonstrated their comprehension of the novel they read with a partner or in a small group by choosing an event from the story and creating a sculpture of the event. Students also had to write about why this event was important to the story.
 Students were able to show their understanding of the novel they read by looking at one of the characters in the story or creating a book mark with a picture of an event and ten things about the book.

Another way for students to demonstrate their understanding was to make a picture book out of their novel. This required students to curate the most important events of the story.