Friday, January 31, 2020

February 3 - 7

Request for Crochet Hooks/Knitting Needles for science/art
In science, one of our learning outcomes it to document/record weather over a period of time. We would like to make a weather scarf to accomplish this learning outcome. In order to create a weather scarf, we will need to learn the skill of crocheting or knitting. We will also need either a crochet hook (preferably - 5mm or H) or a set of knitting needles for each student. We are hopeful that students will be able to borrow the required supplies from a grandparent, parent, etc. so we can create a weather scarf. We would also welcome donations of yarn to help us. We have some yard at the school, but will probably need different colours.  If students could bring these things by Monday, Feb 10th, we can start our work next week.

We will work towards setting up a legend to help us with what each colour we use will represent. We will share that once we have it all figured out.

Here are a couple of scarves that we can use for inspiration:

Monday, February 3
Reading and comprehension practice
Math - February Calendar
Music Ms. Tanya | Regions of Canada Ms. Jenn
Novel Study
Science (weather machine)

What do prime numbers have in common?
What do numbers that are NOT prime have in common?
What is your rule to know if a number is prime?

Tuesday, February 4
Social Studies - share events/people from research
Math - error analysis...can you find the mistake?
Music Ms. Jenn | Regions of Canada Ms. Tanya
Novel Study
Science - wind; How do you measure its speed? How can you measure its direction?

Wednesday, February 5
Social Studies
Planning for Evergreen Theatre
Winter Walk Day (Bridlewood Pond)

Thursday, February 6
Motor Lab/Finish planning for Evergreen Theatre
Buddies: Create a wanted poster for the bad guy in a shared story
Novel Study

Friday, February 7
Commonplace Book

Upcoming Events
Wednesday, February 12 Healthy Hunger Special Snack - Cobbs Bread  
February 13 -14 Teachers' Convention | No School for students
February 17 Family Day | No School
February 24 Glenbow Museum Field Trip (~$21 through PowerSchool)
March 2-13 Evergreen Theatre Grow a Show 
April 16 Weaselhead Field Trip (~$14.50 through PowerSchool)